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What is a Clinical Research Study?

 Clinical research studies, also known as clinical trials, help us develop medicines that are safe and effective. This animated video provides easy-to-understand information on the clinical research study process for patients with emphasis on representation and inclusion.

If you’d like to learn more about things to consider when making a decision to participate in a clinical trial, watch “Is a Clinical Research Study Right for Me?” here:


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*In a clinical research study, participants may receive study medication that has not been approved by regulatory authorities, an approved comparator product or intervention, or an inactive substance called a placebo, depending on study design (all referred to as “study medication”). You may not benefit from the study medication you are assigned to, and the key known risks and requirements of participation in a study will be described to you before you decide whether to take part. Depending on the study, compensation may be available as well as reasonable reimbursement for travel expenses. The length of the study may vary.

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